1 min read

Hi! I'm Ben

Hi! I'm Ben
Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev / Unsplash

I'm Ben, and I like to play around with things on the internet. I have no idea what I'm going to do with this website, but I hope to post whatever I'm feeling like at the time. Anyway, here's a little about me: I spend a lot of my free time either programming, playing with linux or setting up docker containers. I might not figure it out the first time through however I always manage to figure it out. It's not like I spend a lot of time. If this tickles your fancy and you'd want a email whenever I post, use the form below! I also won't take it badly if you don't, I'm really just using this site to talk about what I'm thinking.

Also, just a little side note, ALL of my posts are unedited and in their most raw form. I am dyslexic as well, so expect them to have spelling mistakes. I have chosen to keep them in their most raw form, straight from what I was thinking at the time.